2018/11/09 | Notice on Payment of Dividend from Retained Earnings (for the second quarter of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2019) (PDF) |
2018/05/17 | Notice Regarding Revision of Summary of Financial Results for the Third Quarter Ended Dec. 30, 2017.(PDF) |
2018/05/17 | Notice Regarding Revision of Summary of Financial Results for the Second Quarter Ended Sep. 30, 2017.(PDF) |
2018/05/17 | Notice Regarding Revision of Summary of Financial Results for the First Quarter Ended June 30, 2017.(PDF) |
2018/05/17 | Notice Regarding Revision of Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2017(PDF) |
2018/05/11 | Notice Regarding Revision of Financial Results Forecast and Dividends from Retained Earnings(PDF) |
2018/05/10 | Notice of Discovery of Error with Consolidated Financial Statements in Past Fiscal Year and the Postponement of Announcement of Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2018.(PDF) |
2018/03/29 | Notice Regarding Revision of Financial Results Forecast, Recording Gain on Contribution of Securities to Retirement Benefit Trust (Extraordinary Income) and Product Compensation Expenses (Extraordinary Losses)(PDF) |
2018/03/23 | Notice Regarding the Establishment of Retirement Benefit Trust(PDF) |
2017/11/10 | Notice on Payment of Dividend from Retained Earnings (for the second quarter of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2018) (PDF) |
2017/05/12 | Notice Regarding Differences between Projected Financial Results and Actual Financial Results, Posting of Impairment Loss (Extraordinary Losses) and Dividends from Retained Earnings (PDF) |
2017/03/10 | Notice Regarding the Recording of Extraordinary Loss (Loss on Valuation of Inventories) and Non-Operating Income (Subsidy Income) (PDF) |
2017/02/10 | Notice Regarding Revision of Financial Results Forecast and Decreasing of Non-Operating Expenses (Foreign Exchange Losses) (PDF) |
2016/11/11 | Notice Regarding Revision of Financial Results Forecast, Payment of Dividend from Retained Earnings (for the second quarter of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2017) and Revision of Dividends Forecast(PDF) |
2016/10/14 | Notice Regarding Acquisition of Own Shares in Conjunction with Treatment of Fractional Shares Resulting from Share Consolidation(PDF) |
2016/09/28 | Notice Regarding the Recording of Extraordinary Income from the Establishment of Retirement Benefit Trust(PDF) |
2016/09/26 | Notice Regarding the Establishment of Retirement Benefit Trust(PDF) |
2016/06/23 | Notice Regarding Registration Status of Certified Public Accountants (PDF) |
2016/05/24 | Notice Regarding Change in Accounting Auditor(PDF) |
2016/05/13 | Notice Regarding Differences between Projected Financial Results and Actual Financial Results, Posting of non-operating income and Dividends from Retained Earnings(PDF) |
2016/05/13 | Notice regarding a Change in the Number of Shares Constituting One Unit, Consolidation of Shares, and Partial Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation(PDF) |
2015/11/12 | Notice on Payment of Dividend from Retained Earnings (Non-Dividend) (PDF) |
2015/11/12 | Statement on the Execution of Partnership Agreement with SiTime Corporation (PDF) |
2015/04/24 | Notice Regarding the Recording of Extraordinary Loss, Revision of Projected Financial Results and Payment of Dividend from Retained Earnings (PDF) |
2014/11/18 | Notice Regarding Completion of Stock Buyback (PDF) |
2014/11/13 | Notice Regarding Revision of Projected Financial Results, Payment of Dividend from Retained Earnings(for the second quarter of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2015) and Revision of Dividends Forecast (PDF) |
2014/11/04 | Notice Regarding the Status of Repurchase of Company’s Own Shares (PDF) |
2014/10/01 | Notice Regarding the Status of Repurchase of Company’s Own Shares (PDF) |
2014/09/01 | Notice Regarding the Status of Repurchase of Company’s Own Shares (PDF) |
2014/08/08 | Notice Regarding the Repurchase of Company’s Own Shares (PDF) |
2014/05/14 | Notice on Payment of Dividend from Retained Earnings (Year-End Dividend) (PDF) |
2014/02/14 | Notice Regarding Revision of Projected Financial Results and the Non-Operating Income (Foreign Exchange Gains) (PDF) |
2013/11/13 | Notice Regarding Revision of Dividends Forecast (Memorial dividend) (PDF) |
2013/05/14 | Notice on Payment of Dividend from Retained Earnings (Year-End Dividend) (PDF) |
2013/05/14 | Notice Regarding Differences between Projected Financial Results and Actual Financial Results and the Non-Operating Income (Foreign Exchange Gains) (PDF) |
2013/02/14 | Notice Regarding Revision of Projected Financial Results (PDF) |
2013/02/14 | Notice Regarding the Non-Operating Income (Foreign Exchange Gains) (PDF) |
2012/11/12 | Notice Regarding Differences between Projected Financial Results for the Second Quarter of the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2013 and Actual Financial Results and Revision of Projected Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2013 (PDF) |
2012/05/11 | Notice Regarding Differences between Projected Financial Results and Actual Financial Results and Dividends from Retained Earnings (PDF) |
2012/02/13 | Notice Regarding Revision of Projected Financial Results (PDF) |
2011/11/28 | Notice Regarding Projected Financial Results Forecast (PDF) |
2011/11/10 | Notice Regarding Revision of Projected Financial Results and Dividends (PDF) |
2011/05/13 | Notice Regarding Differences between Projected Financial Results and Actual Financial Results (PDF) |
2010/11/10 | Notice Regarding Revision of Projected Financial Results and Foreign Exchange Losses (PDF) |
2010/05/14 | Notice Regarding Differences between Projected Financial Results and Actual Financial Results (PDF) |
2010/05/14 | Notice on Payment of Dividend from Retained Earnings (Year-End Dividend) (PDF) |
2010/05/14 | Notice Regarding Discontinuation of Countermeasures (Takeover Defense Measures) (PDF) |
2009/11/12 | Notice Regarding Revision of Projected Financial Results (PDF) |
2009/11/12 | Notice on Payment of Dividend from Retained Earnings (Interim Dividends) (PDF) |
2009/07/01 | Notice Regarding Results of Stock Buyback (PDF) |
2009/05/15 | Notice Regarding Revision of Projected Financial Results and Loss on Valuatson of Subsidiaries' Stocks (PDF) |
2009/05/15 | Notice Regarding Differences in Non-Consolidated Financial Results between Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2008 and Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2009 and Impairment Loss (PDF) |
2009/02/13 | Notice Regarding Revision of Consolidated Financial Results Forecast (PDF) |
2009/02/13 | Notice Regarding the Purchase of Company's Own Shares (PDF) |
2009/02/13 | Notice Regarding Revision of Dividend Forecast for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2009 (PDF) |
2008/11/25 | Notice Regarding Completion of Stock Buyback (PDF) |
2008/11/07 | Revision of Consolidated Financial Results Forecast (PDF) |
2008/09/19 | Notice Regarding the Purchase of Company's Own Shares (PDF) |
2008/06/27 | Approval of Coutermeasures(Takeover Defense Measures)For a Large-Scale Purchase of the Company's Shares,etc. (PDF) |
2008/05/15 | Rivision of Financial Results Forecast (PDF) |
2008/04/18 | Introduction of Countermeasures (Takeover Defense Measures) for a Large-Scale Purchase of the Company's Shares, etc. (PDF) |
2008/03/27 | Notice Regarding Completion of Stock Buyback (PDF) |
2008/02/15 | Notice Regarding the Purchase of Company's Own Shares (PDF) |
2007/11/16 | Revision of Interim Financial Results Forcast (PDF) |
2007/05/21 | Notice Regarding the Election of Accounting Auditor (PDF) |
2007/05/18 | Notice on payment of Dividend from retained earnings (PDF) |
2007/05/18 | Notice of Our Policy regarding the Reduction in Number of Shares per Unit (PDF) |
2006/11/17 | Revision of the Forecast of Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2006 (PDF) |
2006/10/26 | Notice Regarding Completion of Stock Buyback (PDF) |
2006/08/22 | Notice Regarding the Selection of Temporary Accounting Auditor (PDF) |
2006/08/11 | Notice Regarding Change in Settlement Period for Consolidated Subsidiaries (PDF) |
2006/07/26 | Notice Regarding the Purchase of Company's Own Shares (PDF) |
2006/07/03 | Notice Regarding Status of Accounting Auditors (PDF) |
2006/05/19 | Revision of the Forecast of Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2005 (PDF) |
2006/05/19 | Revision of Dividend Forecast (PDF) |
2006/04/03 | Notice Regarding Purchase and Completion of the Company's Own Shares in the Market (PDF) |
2006/03/01 | Notice Regarding Purchase of the Company's Own Shares in the Market (PDF) |
2006/02/01 | Notice Regarding Purchase of the Company's Own Shares in the Market (PDF) |
2006/01/05 | Notice Regarding Purchase of the Company's Own Shares in the Market (PDF) |